Fairies Dreams and Fantasy
Fairies Dreams & Fantasy creates entertaining content for you to consume for free!
Fairies Dreams & Fantasy gives you fictional stories to read on our websites for free, along with other topics what we write. We don't put our content behind paywalls! However; we are doing revisions of our stories what we imported from Blogger since 2015... and we are currently revising our posts as we can,--converting our conventionally-written chapters into light novel format to add more dialog to our fictional stories. We don't use AI to produce our works, we use our heads to be creative... the preferred way!
We license most of our works under a Creative Commons License to enable ANYONE to reuse our works.
To learn more about Fairies Dreams & Fantasy, please visit our about. This page will be updated overtime as our website evolves for years to come.
Currently, some of our works are currently in progress.
Why Donate To Us?
Our website is slowly phasing out use of ad networks that aren't working what we expected to work, some of our readers who want to read our posts has experienced longer loading times, and sometimes, ad banners often take up more resources on their computers, and other devices. We are aware of some shady practices hidden with some ad networks what we are currently relying on. Sometimes, ad networks require websites to have constant amount of visits to be suitable for monetization. However; use of our own ad server is not ready for everyday use because, its under heavy development.
We ditched Google Ad Sense because, this ad network is NOT reliable, and it may have certain ads what we don't allow on our website.
Democratizing our works what we create is important for our readers, we want our content on our websites to be free of paywalls.
We don't just write content on our websites, we also write books too! We take extra time writing books, and write with quality in mind, not in a rush. Typically, we write our creative works offline occasionally. We also do tactile art, and we occasionally write html-based gamebooks. We also make podcasts too!
The Purpose
The following purposes of your donated funds what we received from you will be used for the following:
- Hosting Expenses - Hosting our website on our servers are NOT free; we take it very seriously. We rely on a VPS to host our websites what we currently own.
- Computer Maintenance - Upgrading hardware, necessary repairs, and purchasing of new equipment (if needed). We use computers to write and create new content.
- Internet Expenses - Due to our high internet use volume that is moderate, we usually write posts on our websites, and work with our online servers to ensure things are in check. Use of internet isn't free, we need to ensure our internet costs are kept in check.
- Dedicated Studio - We don't have a dedicated standalone studio to keep our creativity active. This is not limited to owning a dedicated studio, other equipment may be required for creating other works, such as: art supplies, recording equipment, braille typewriters, braille displays, braille printers, etc.
- Taxes and other fun stuff.
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