
Scholarship for Elif and Ali

Help us to fund a Scholarship for Elif and Ali

La celo de elifalischolarship estas ricevi € 45,00 semajne.
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Friends, These are dark times, In every possible way. That's why I'm reaching out to you:

Until recently, I was in Kurdistan, where the daily lives of young people are shaped by overwhelming existential fears. We want to offer close support. They work at least 10 hours a day just to barely survive, leaving them no time to focus on their studies. But studying is their only way out of this situation.

Leon and I had an idea: We want to create a self-organized scholarship for them to raise €175 per month per student, giving them a real chance to study properly in their final year. Kaya set up an account, and everyone can decide how much to give and for how long. Let’s help them take control of their future, and maybe after them, two more will follow.

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