
Giaco Carrera

is creating digital musical content using open-source programs!

La celo de giacomusica estas ricevi € 100,00 semajne.
Donaci   Pagkarto Rekta debeto PayPal


Who am I?

Hi! I'm Giaco. A multi-instrumentalist musician and composer from Peru living in Italy!

My goals

Your finantial support will help me to continuing creating musical digital content:

  • Music.

  • Improvisation.

  • Transcriptions.

  • Teaching how to use open-source programs.

  • Hopefully make a living along the way.

  • Much more!

I'd appreciate a lot if you could support me in these difficult times!

Listen to my music

Listen to my latest piano improvisation album called Atardezco!

Bandcamp (click here to listen!)


LinkTree (all other Links!)

Thank you for your support! And please drop me a message to stay in contact! :)

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giacomusica posedas la jenajn kontojn en aliaj servoj:


giacomusica aliĝis antaŭ 4 jaroj.

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