Porting application themes, one step at a time
Maintainer of open-source color themes to various applications. Most notably, the Thunderbird port of the Cobalt2 theme has seen a steady uptick in daily active users and positive reviews.
As I use my own themes, I opt to designing them with attention to small details I and other users care about:
- They are tested on multiple monitors
- Tested in both bright and dark environments
- Contrast is typically fine-tuned to segment the program in meaningful ways, such that you find things in the User Interface easier.
While programs like Thunderbird provide the necessary tools for recoloring every part of the program, they can't promise to maintain compatibility with them. This means, that I have to reverse-engineer each update of the program first, and then re-write most of the theme. Preferably, this needs to happen in the short time frame where the update has been finalized by the developers, but not yet released to all users.
According to analytics, people are choosing my themes for programs they use on a daily basis.
Please consider a yearly 10$ donation, which is less than a dollar a month, so that I can ensure you having the frictionless experience you expect from my work. Thank you ❤️
Example work
Thunderbird with the Cobalt 2 theme applied
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pogodaanton posedas la jenajn kontojn en aliaj servoj:
cobalt2-thunderbird Steloj 0 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 4 semajnoj
A faithful port of the Cobalt2 theme by Wes Bos to Thunderbird.
cobalt2-intellij Steloj 0 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 9 monatoj
A faithful port of the original Cobalt2 theme by Wes Bos for IntelliJ-based IDEs.
pogodaanton aliĝis antaŭ 4 semajnoj.