

Making things to help you make games

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A developer passionate about games, helping others to make them, sharing my knowledge and the 'fruits' of my work along the way.

Hey there!

Thanks for taking the time to check this out.
I'm Ysgrathe (or 'G' to those that know me personally).
A professional software developer, turned game dev.
I have a YouTube channel GGameDev, where I post tutorial videos and tips about making games. (Right now, mostly using the Unreal engine).

We also have a Discord server where we discuss general 'gamedevery', and try to help each other out with any problems people encounter.

In addition to online tutorials, I try to publish sample code, documents & templates, useful libraries, plugins, assets and any other things I make which might be useful to people making games.

Konektitaj Kontoj

Ysgrathe posedas la jenajn kontojn en aliaj servoj:


SQLiteGameDb Steloj 54 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 2 monatoj

A plugin for unreal engine that gives a SQLite framework built on top of the default Epic plugin code.

BuildingBlocks_Part6 Steloj 4 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 1 jaro

Taking the project further; adding UI elements

BuildingBlocks_Part4 Steloj 4 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 1 jaro

Getting into Unreal with C++ Part 4

BuildingBlocks_Part5 Steloj 3 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 1 jaro


Ysgrathe aliĝis antaŭ 1 semajno.

Ysgrathe ne montras kiom ĝi ricevas per Liberapay.