

Software Engineer from the US.

La celo de akat estas ricevi US$ 65,00 semajne.
Donaci   PayPal


I'm a software engineer from the US. I run several servers for services such as FenekMC (

I also run a Pastebin and URL link shortening service at

If you use any of these services frequently, consider throwing a couple of bucks my way, I'd greatly appreciate it.

If you're someone who's more privacy concerned, I have a Monero address.

Monero Address: 47oZvoC5iWp3bUjcbfMUjLEE6EXkNafUZ5vS2yH5Y7vLjZuYwUo8bnJesYkyTUzF9NBvUa59kvbikXdr5LSGdFVpLZMyg4t

Konektitaj Kontoj

akat posedas la jenajn kontojn en aliaj servoj:


akat aliĝis antaŭ 3 jaroj.

Semajna enspezo (en Usona dolaro)

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