

iqoption project

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Hello people from all over the world!

My project deals in the form of an investment to generate profits through the iqoption platform, which deals with binary options.

what is the goal of this project?

Its objective is to get a capital to start generating profits within the binary options platform!

What do you want with this project?

I really want to raise a capital even if it is little, to start putting my knowledge into practice, and start generating profits.

What am I looking for with all this?

I am looking to have a stable income to be able to start living in a calm way, since I am currently without a job and I have dedicated myself to studying this field in depth, I have been studying and practicing for 1 year; but I have not been able to generate capital to invest and generate profits, because I have to maintain the house and my dog, and being unemployed, I only do some daily jobs but it is not enough to eat and pay rent and public services!

I come to you people of the world, so that you extend your hand and offer me your help to start my project.!

Thank you so much

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proyectiqontion aliĝis antaŭ 1 jaro.

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