
Typography For Good

Typography For Good

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Typography For Good


Who are you?

  • Identity: Stéphane Gabrielli.

  • Location: Lyon, France.

  • Job: Graphic designer, Typographer, Type designer.

  • Training: BTS Visual Communication, DMA Typography.

  • Portfolio: My website.

What is your goal?

  • To help charity project holders to sublimate the typography of their visual identity.
  • To embellish a good idea/action through the graphic design of words.

What are the donations for?

  • To offer quality graphic support to non-profit projects with a positive impact.

What services do you offer?

  • Consulting: feedback (analysis of existing), ideation (research of ideas).

  • Creation: logo, font, layout.


stephanegabrielli aliĝis antaŭ 2 jaroj.

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