
Travis Athougies

I'm creating Haskell libraries for the real world

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Hi! My name is Travis Athougies and I'm the author and maintainer of beam, an open-source Haskell library and EDSL for database access.

I work on beam because I find it fun, but many companies use it commercially. That's great, and I wish you all the success! As the beam user base has grown, so too have its demands on my time. I am a husband and father and work a full-time job, so my time is already stretched as is. Nevertheless, I would love to be able to continue working on beam, adding new features, writing new documentation, and fixing bugs. Your contribution enables me to do that.

Konektitaj Kontoj

tathougies posedas la jenajn kontojn en aliaj servoj:


extsort Steloj 2 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 3 jaroj

External sorting in Haskell

beam-mysql Steloj 10 Ĝisdatigita antaŭ 5 jaroj

Beam MySQL compatibility layer


tathougies aliĝis antaŭ 5 jaroj.

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